Ways that You Can Have Privacy on Your Patio Deck

April 1, 2019
Ways that You Can Have Privacy on Your Patio Deck

When you’re outdoors on your back patio enjoying the weather or spending time with family or friends, you may want a bit of privacy from your neighbors. It can sometimes be difficult to get enough privacy when living in a city or suburb, but it is possible with a little bit of imagination. Consider these things you can do to get privacy when sitting on your back patio – and, yes, you can be sure that an Elk Grove, CA patio cover should be on the list.

Patio Cover

A patio cover is one way that you can have some privacy on your back deck. You'll definitely get coverage from above so that neighbors looking down from their upper bedroom windows won't necessarily be able to see you. But there are other additions that can make your patio cover all the more private. For instance, you can get round or square columns, privacy and shade screens, and concrete or block walls. These additions can, depending on what you choose and where you place them, help you achieve some privacy even if neighbors are around and about. Your first order of business is to explain your desire from more privacy during the consultation with a patio cover retailer. They will work with you to come up with the best solution.

Outdoor Plants

Whether real or fake, outdoor plants can be positioned in a way to provide you with privacy when you’re outside on your patio deck. This can be a relatively inexpensive way for you to maintain your outdoor personal space. The great thing about this strategy is that the outdoor plants will serve a functional purpose and will be a great addition aesthetically, too.

Outdoor Furniture

You can also use outdoor furniture to obtain some privacy. Depending on what sort of outdoor furniture you have and how tall they are, you may be able to get a degree of privacy.

Higher Fence

If push comes to shove, you might want to get higher fences. This will not only help with privacy, but also help with security. You may have to speak to neighbors if your fences are shared fences. Also consider that you may have to foot the entire bill if your neighbors are not interested in assuming any financial responsibility for changing existing shared fences with taller shared fences.

As you can see, an Elk Grove, CA patio cover can be part of a strategy to provide you and your family with some privacy when you’re outside enjoying some rest and relaxation. For the patio cover you want for your home, contact us at Clark Wagaman Designs. We specialize in patio covers and other related products. At your request, we’ll conduct a consultation at your home to take measurements, make recommendations, and answer your questions. Call us at (916) 825-4736 or visit us at 3500 Power Inn Rd Ste C Sacramento, CA 95826 for a free consultation. Your complete satisfaction is our goal. Contact us today, whether by phone or in person, and let us know how we can help.

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